Mi Esperanza

Mi Esperanza, a ministry that empowers the impoverished women of Honduras through training, job opportunities, and microloans, was created like most ministries: through a call and a longing to better the world by elevating others. This drive for female advancement is what fueled the ministry from its inception; however, it was clear that this passion needed greater structure to help it grow, allowing the ministry to change the lives of more and more Honduran families.

In 2018, I had the pleasure to use my experience and skillset to help Mi Esperanza in a few key areas: organizational design, deeper financial discipline, and overarching brand development. As Mi Esperanza continued to grow, the structure of the board required a transformation equal to the needs of the organization. The necessary changes, though, could not stymie the mission of Mi Esperanza. There is a fine balance between infusing the discipline and rigor of a business while not losing the heart of the organization. I knew that navigating those waters can be difficult and emotional but open dialogue and effectively listening to what is being said, both verbally and non-verbally, will bring about productive and necessary change. With this understanding, the leadership at Mi Esperanza entrusted me during this time of growth and asked me to serve as their Chairman of the Board.


After a few work sessions with the ministry leadership, the board unanimously agreed on a refreshed brand direction and leadership structure in partnership with Cool Cat Creations. The board introduced clearly defined and distinct board positions. By bringing in new members, the board was able to utilize a wider set of skills and add new perspectives to the conversation. It was imperative that the board find a balance between leading with their hearts and using financial data to help guide decisions. Each member gained a deeper understanding of the organization’s financial standings as well as the implications of the board’s decisions. This style helped the organization shift to an operation that still leads with heart but also with data.

The brand guidelines were conceived by using the already established products. It was important that Mi Esperanza’s master brand was clean, simple and easily executable for anyone to use, while allowing plenty of breadth and depth to nest current and future sub-brands. The brand guidelines fostered a concise mission statement that articulated the purpose and goals of the ministry through a purposeful color pallet. The cohesiveness of the brand was evident within the functionality of the newly reorganized board, effective marketing strategies, and more efficient operations. Because of the work that was accomplished (and continues to be implemented and updated), Mi Esperanza can continue using its passion to better the women of Honduras.